From Build-a-Bear to Build-a-Gender-Neutral-Doll: The Next Inclusive App for Kids
As parents, we all want what is best for our children. In a time when the medical industrial complex is pushing affirmation as the primary care method instead of resolution and identifying the root of trauma, parents are being manipulated into grooming.
Written by GammaRaes and Krazy Kentuckian
Higher education is promoting the funding and distribution of ideological content to parents and it has and continues to cross the line.
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A random interaction on X (formerly Twitter) led our collective to investigate the University of Minnesota’s Eli Coleman Institute for Sexual and Gender Health and their “My Gender Dolls” initiative. While the concept of “gender neutral dolls” seems unharmful, it is anything but innocent. A detailed video meant to entice funding illustrates not only the naked bodies of children, but also illustrates genitalia.
Gender Exploration Apps for Kids Coming Soon
How app stores are about to get even more diverse and inclusive with gender neutral dolls
The concept, of what on the surface appears to be a crowd-sourced project, is to develop an app to aid “gender exploration” and to provide children with virtual dolls that
“consist of bodies that vary in age, shape, and skin color, so all kids can see themselves represented. In addition to the bodies, kids will have a choice of genitals and internal reproductive organs to show that their gender identity is valid no matter what parts they have.”
We can all agree that children should understand their own body’s needs. The need for food, hygiene and to identify each body part they have so they can communicate - especially if something hurts or is wrong. What we as a society should never do is confuse children by playing “build a bear” and making them think that a child who has a penis on the outside can have a uterus on the inside simply by man manipulated design.
In the argument of Intersex humans, we asked chat gpt:
“What is the mathematical probability of a human being born with both a penis and a uterus”
and it responded stating
“...the probability of being born with both a penis and a uterus could be on the order of 1 in tens of thousands or possibly lower...”
Quantify this statistic by dividing six billion by ten thousand and you wind up with around six hundred thousand. This means that Intersex Conditions are a statistical anomaly when compared to biological conditions in birth.
DSDs: A Statistical Anomaly
Weaponizing science for feelings
A statistical anomaly is being used to manipulate children into growing up thinking they can swap out body parts for one or the other because they simply “feel” like it. The initiative to create these dolls is not based on science but ideology, conditioning both children and parents to raise a generation that believes the only choice is physical augmentation of healthy bodies.
Just a few peer-reviewed studies you can bank on, nothing to see here:
Intersexuality/Differences of Sex Development through the Discourse of Intersex People, Their Relatives, and Health Experts: A Descriptive Qualitative Study
A national study on the physical and mental health of intersex adults in the U.S.
A Systematic Review of the Health and Healthcare Inequalities for People with Intersex Variance
Follow The Money: Financing Gender Exploration Apps
Do you know someone who loves to donate? Show them THIS.
Who would support an effort to create such dolls? The website itself shows a link to their Vimeo and a place to create donations for the specific initiative. A look at the greater whole of the Eli Coleman Institute for Sexual and Gender Health showed some interesting donors as a whole. For example, according to their 2023 Annual Report recognizable companies, as well as several shell companies, appear to be contributors to their overarching efforts.
Jennifer N Pritzker & Erin E. Solaro ($1,000,000 donation)
Tawani Enterprises Inc. (($1,000,000 donation)
Tawani Foundation ($1,000,000 donation)
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota ($5K - 10K donation)
American Sexual Health Association ($10K-$25K donation)
CalExotics ($10K-$25K donation)
Planned Parenthood Federation of America ($5K - 10K donation)
Ford Foundation ($500 - $5K donation)
Ford Motor Co Fund ($500 - $5K donation)
General Mills Fdn ($500 - $5K donation)
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research ($500 - $5K donation)
Pfizer Inc ($500 - $5K donation)
Procter & Gamble ($500 - $5K donation)
MAP Education Fund (up to $500 donation)
United States Treasury (up to $500 donation)
Wells Fargo Foundation (up to $500 donation)
The reality of the analysis of the donor list shows there are several pharmaceutical and healthcare companies that provide funding for this Institute. The Pritzker family known for its deep roots in funding pro-transhumanist initiatives, both individually and through Tawani Enterprises Inc alongside Tawani Foundation.
Understanding that each child pushed into transitioning becomes a lifelong medical patient - a paycheck - it becomes even more ominous when looking at those who support “education” in Gender Ideology.
My Gender Dolls are not just concerning because of the ideological standpoint but also notably because the Institute backing this initiative is supported by non-profits focused on pedophiles, Trans Rights, Abortion and Sexual pleasure products. How can we ignore the writing on the wall?
Manipulating families into medically and physically altering children by means of conditioning young minds to believe they can swap body parts, like they’re a Build-a-Bear or Lego, does more harm than good for our children. Why are Universities so heavily focused on ideological programs that would mold the minds of our children down a path of becoming medically dependent for the rest of their lives?
As parents, we have a responsibility to protect our children. We should pay attention to initiatives such as My Gender Dolls and who supports their creation. If we fail to do it early enough, we may become victims ourselves to the ideology because we weren’t paying attention.
We wonder what would happen if someone like Robby Starbuck got his hands on this information? Or your neighbour who donates to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota?
What happens next is up to you, reading this, right here, right now.
@robbystarbuck Build-a-Gender-Neutral-Doll: Is the next 'inclusive' app for kids really what's best for them? This app hopes to teach children that they can Pick 'n' Mix their genitals. The US Treasury to the MAP Education Fund, check out who's funding them here
So wrong, on so many levels. Why am I not surprised to see the Pritzkers AGAIN.